During my many years in Customer Service, I always started my day saying to
my team members, that when I wake up every morning,
I aim to make the day of everyone around me and everyone I come in
contact with, better.
It’s how I have been my whole life (personal and professional).
My Father, my Mother and my Grandmother, co- workers, customers, teachers,
strangers and many others have all confirmed this.
Even as a child, I was very Mothering- at the age of 4 y’all.
My Grandmother and Mother would tell the stories.
Something about humans that I love. All humans included.
I’ve worked with many that would tell me stories about how they grew up in
neighborhoods that had no Black people.
They’d say that there was a lot of prejudice against Black people, so they were
raised to think one way about Black people.
Once spending time in the office with Black people, having lunch together, and
sharing out of office get- togethers, they began to question what they were taught
as they were coming up.
Over the years, many companies have acknowledged me for making the job of
their employees easier.
Companies have credited me for earning tens of millions in sales, and they
always asked for my advice for work and for personal/ family matters.
Making everyone else’s day better makes my day better, no matter how little it
seems I have.
I feel like the majority of people have no idea that they are supposed to live to
make the day of everyone they come in contact with better.
That’s everyone in your household and everyone outside of your house.
If you have an extra dollar and see a homeless person, sow that dollar by giving
it to the homeless person. I
f you’re a Mother who usually makes a quick breakfast, rise earlier and surprise
your household with a family style breakfast, whether it’s big country style ora
good pot of delicious oatmeal.
If you’re a father, on payday, bring a small treat home for the family, or after
dinner, take the family for a frozen yogurt or some other family favorite dessert.
Children can make their parent’s day better by earning the best grades they can
in school, always being respectful and showing good manners.
Everyday, we must all do something small (or big) to make the day of your family
members better.
Keeping peace in your home, in your workplace and everywhere else outside of
your home.
If you are not used to having much peace with others, it will feel awkward when
you begin to. Do it anyway.
Staying peaceful will make your day and the day of everyone else you come in
contact with, better.
What are some of the things that you do to make life better each day, for yourself,
for your household and for everyone else you come in contact with?